
Datasets used in the LCRAnnotationsDB

This section shows database details. Rows in each table are clickable and show detailed data from each section.
Dataset Number of records Source
Proteins 333123 SwissProt
LCRs 835146 SEG strict, SEG default
Annotations 5035343 InterPro, ELM, Topdom, PhaSepDB, Phobius, NCBI, PhaSePro, DisProt, IUpred, PDB, Uniprot, nextProt
Categories 5473 Annotators
Gene Ontology of categories 5399 QuickGO, Annotators
Datasets used in LCRAnnotationsDB 12 InterPro, ELM, Topdom, PhaSepDB, Phobius, NCBI, PhaSePro, DisProt, IUpred, PDB, Uniprot, nextProt